Tamilnadu, India +91 7868-843405 info@sterison.com

Sterison Machine Learning

Model Building

Our Data Science team can create aMachine Learning Model based on your business requirement. We can build and train models using supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning.

Model Optimization

We optimize the model for maximum accuracy. For optimization, we use hyper-parameter tuning, gradient descent, SGD, ensemble & boosting and many more processes, to derive the best outcomes from the model.

Model Evaluation

To test the performance of Machine Learning Models, we use Cross Validation, RSS, RSME, MSE, Log-loss, F-measure, Precision-Recall etc. to ensure models perform well.

Feature Selection

Our expert team can help you with feature selection using techniques like PCA, LSH, SVD etc., for the best performance from a Machine Learning Model.

Feature Transformation

We are experienced in feature transformation using techniques like PCA, n-gram, Tokenizer, StopWordsRemover, OneHotEncoder, VectorIndexer, Normalizer and much more.

Feature Extraction

Our team has the expertise to deal with raw data using TF-IDF (HashingTF and IDF), Word2Vec, CountVectorizer.


Machine Learning

Creating state of the art intelligent systems

Today, many businesses rely on Machine Learning to derive patterns from data to monitor, analyze and predict customer/machine behaviour and perform actions without human intervention. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) services help organizations to develop custom solutions based on proprietary or open source algorithms/frameworks that process data and runs sophisticated algorithms on cloud and edge. This ensures faster decision making, increased productivity, business process automation, and faster anomaly detection for the businesses.

Machine Learning Services

Sterison to transform business processes to intelligent autonomous operations by delivering machine learning services and consultation from cloud to edge. Our team helps to build, train, validate, optimize, deploy and test machine learning models using latest tools and technologies.


Target Business Sectors


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